Nagi 9 months after launch &

AldasK asked in my Nagi launch posting’s comments: “Have read the post about the launch of with interest. More than six months have passed since the launch, though. Can we expect an update on how the service is doing? ” We have been busy, but here is a quick update.

Back in March we raised 100k EUR in seed financing from Moonfish Media, a Baltic online media group active mostly in the field of real estate and job classifieds as well as online auctions.

9 months after we launched, here are the key stats for Nagi:

  • 850 thousand photos and 18 thousand albums have been uploaded
  • 10 thousand users have registered
  • 35-45 thousand visitors come to the site each week
  • 25th-30th position in the TNS Metrix official stats for Estonian websites
  • 31% of users in age group 18-24 and 29% 25-34

3 weeks ago we also bought the largest youth photo site, which will be kept separately for younger audience. Here are the numbers for

  • 2,4 million photos and 58 thousand albums have been uploaded
  • 26 thousand users have registered
  • 45-50 thousand visitors come to the site each week
  • ~25th position in the TNS Metrix official stats for Estonian websites
  • 40% of users in age group 18-24 and 46% up to 18 years of age

Since we launched Nagi we knew, that we want to target more mature (above 20-22) audience and that younger (up to 20-22) people need something different. The quality and content of the photos depend a lot on your age. And the community aspects are different. So we had the option of either to start a special youth site next to Nagi or buy some market share, and we chose the latter.

We are quite happy with the numbers, considering our sites are purely in local language for the Estonian market of 750 thousand Internet users.

While we are happy with the statistics, we have not yet actively started ad sales. Hopefully with an audience of 90 thousand weekly users for the two sites we will be now more attractive for the large advertisers and media agencies (through which most of Internet advertising money in Estonia goes).

Over the next months there is a lot to do to improve software, transfer it to Nagi back-end and improve the user interface and functionality. That is our focus for coming weeks and months – as well as starting the ad sales, so we can grow our team further and reach break-even as soon as possible.